How to Get a Bigger Penis Without Hurting Yourself

You keep hearing that “size doesn’t matter” but that’s usually said by people who don’t have to worry about it. What about the guy who’s been rejected for being “too small?” If you’re that guy, you’ve probably looked into all kinds of options to gain an inch or two — surgery, traction devices, pills, creams, and more. But many of those options carry a real risk of harm. Can you increase the size of your penis without worrying about damage or injury to a very important part of your body? Of course, you can. Temporary methods like penis pumps give you extra length and girth with a lot less risk — and a lot more pleasure. Here’s how to get a bigger penis without ending up in the hospital — and a tip on how to have better sex regardless of your size. Use a Penis Pump For a temporary size enhancement that’s safe and feels amazing, try a penis pump. For beginners, start with Pump Workx Beginners Power Pump , and when you’re ready for more, move up to more advanced o...